The holiday season is a great time to spend with family and friends. This often means getting to enjoy lots of home-cooked meals and treats. It can be tempting to share these treats with our furry friends–unfortunately, many of the foods we enjoy during the holidays can be harmful to our pets. Here are five foods to avoid feeding your pet this holiday season and a look at what to give them instead.
Chocolate is a holiday favorite for many people, but it can be dangerous for pets. Chocolate contains theobromine, which can be toxic to dogs and cats. Symptoms of theobromine poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and seizures. If you think your pet has ingested chocolate, call your veterinarian immediately.
Caffeine is another substance found in chocolate that can be harmful to pets. Caffeine can cause restlessness, increased heart rate, and vomiting. If you think your pet has ingested caffeine, call your veterinarian immediately. Caffeine can also be found in coffee, tea, and energy drinks.
Fruit Seeds and Pits
Many fruit seeds and pits contain cyanide, which is poisonous to pets as well as humans. Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include difficulty breathing, panting, and general weakness. Other fruits like grapes can be toxic to dogs and should be avoided.
If you want to give your pet something special this holiday season, there are plenty of safe and healthy options. Plain, cooked turkey, peanut butter, and dog biscuits are all great choices. Ask your veterinarian for more ideas on safe and healthy treats for your pet.
If you think your pet has ingested something dangerous for their health, contact your veterinarian or local emergency animal hospital immediately. The sooner you get treatment, the better the outcome will be for your pet.