Mon–Fri: 7:30AM–7PM
Sat: 8AM – 5PM
Sun: Closed

Parasite Control

The doctors and staff at Wilderness Animal Hospital know you have many options when it comes to flea/tick and parasite control. We want to make your decisions easy and hope the following information helps you make the best decision.

We all feel prevention is the best approach to dealing with parasites. When choosing a parasite control product, you need to ask yourself, “Do I want to prevent having a problem, or wait until I have a problem and then treat it?” We think prevention is the answer and that is why we have listed the products we recommend and prescribe.

For cats, we recommend using a preventative product throughout the year. This will kill adult fleas, prevent flea infestation, intestinal worms, ear mites, and heartworm.

Dogs should be protected throughout the year against flea infestation, intestinal worms, heartworm, and ticks. Dogs go places where they might pick up a “hitchhiker” flea, such as dog parks, groomers, or while traveling.

For heavy infestations in the house, you also need to treat the area with an area treatment. We recommend, Knockout. Starting on the preventative at the same time is important to prevent future outbreaks. All pets in the house should be on a preventative.

Frequently asked questions:

  • I have always used Advantage or Frontline on my dog, why aren’t you recommending that now?
    • Simparica Trio and Bravecto are oral chews and you don’t have to worry about it being washed off or exposed to you or your family.
  • Why do I want to prevent fleas and worms?
    • Sentinel and Revolution prevent fleas from hatching, so it is birth control for fleas. If all your pets are on birth control for fleas, they will become extinct and you won’t have an infestation.
    • Fleas will bite people.
    • Worms in your pet can pass to people, specifically children, causing diseases that can cause serious damage to the eyes, liver, and brain.
    • The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends regular deworming of all pets (
  • Should I prevent against Heartworm in my pets?
    • Although Heartworm isn’t thought to be “endemic” in this area, there have been a few cases reported in dogs and cats in Washington State.
    • Heartworm is found in most other states. If you travel out of the state, it is better to have your pet protected prior to exposure.
    • The disease is passed by mosquitoes, so the risk of a mosquito bite means a risk of heartworm.
    • Heartworm in pets causes serious disease and potential death.
  • I saw an ad to buy my product on the internet, will you write me a prescription?
    • We understand your concern to save money, but also want to make sure you get a quality, effective product. We offer an online pharmacy and home delivery, and the product comes directly from our distributor, so we know it is a trustworthy, quality product.
    • Third-party product is not supported by the manufacturer. Internet product is “redirected” and there is no way to tell where it has been and if it has been stored appropriately. Manufacturers only guarantee products sold through veterinarians.

Recommended Products:

Feline: Revolution Plus (monthly, topical application)

Protects against fleas, ticks, ear mites, roundworms, hookworms, and heartworms.

Bravecto Plus (every 2 months, topical application)

Protects against fleas, ticks, heartworm, and intestinal parasites such as roundworms and hookworms.

Canine: Simparico Trio (monthly pill)

Protects against heartworm, tick and flea, and intestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms.

Bravecto (every 3 months pill)

Protects against adult fleas and ticks.

Puppies/Kittens: Revolution (monthly dose for less than 5lbs, topical application)

Kills adult fleas and prevent flea eggs from hatching,  prevent heartworm, treat/control ear mites, roundworms, and hookworms.

Mon–Fri: 7:30AM–7PM
Sat: 8AM – 5PM
Sun: Closed