Pet First Aid
Your pet is injured or acting sick, what do you do next? With the warmer weather here, we see a lot more pet injury emergencies. I thought I’d discuss some common injuries and diseases and help you know when you do or don’t need to call your veterinarian. Toenail injuries in dogs are fairly common […]
Anesthesia Free Teeth Cleaning
More and more frequently I am asked about “Anesthesia-Free dental cleaning” for pets by my clients. I always try to be as open-minded as I can and have done some further research into the subject and now have a more educated opinion on teeth cleaning without anesthesia. First of all, I am sensitive to the […]
Does Your Dog Have A Job?
I love to see dogs that have jobs. I am always amazed at how happy dogs are that are working. Most dog breeds were developed for a specific purpose. If you look at the AKC dog breed groups, it will often give insight on what a dog was bred to do for a living. The […]
Fall Safety Tips
Our short summer is now behind us, and it’s time to start thinking about cooler weather and the many upcoming holidays. During this time of year, there are also many things we have to be aware of when it comes to our pets. I’m going to go over a few dangers that come with this […]
The Ups And Downs Of Thyroid Disease
Every year Veterinary Pet Insurance publishes the top 10 most common medical diseases they received claims for from the previous year. This year thyroid disease was listed in the top 10 for both dogs and cats. These statistics certainly ring true from my experience, I deal with thyroid disease daily. As a vet student, I […]
Adding A New Pet
So you are ready to add a pet to your family. It’s always exciting to make the decision to get a new pet and it is a decision best made with time, consideration and research. However, especially during the holiday season, many pets are added to the family because of an emotional, spur of the […]
Orthopedic Problems In Pets
Just like humans, pets are prone to injury and disease of their bones, muscles, and ligaments. I see limping dogs on a daily basis. Cats, however, are much less prone to orthopedic problems, maybe that “always landing on their feet” ability comes in handy. I am not a horse vet, but I own horses, where […]
Veterinary Anesthesia Demystified
February is Pet Dental Health Month. Since I have written multiple articles on dentistry, I thought I would focus on the area that concerns clients the most about veterinary dentistry: the anesthesia. I have recently written an article about the newest trend of “anesthesia-free dentistry.” Anesthesia-free dentistry is, according to veterinary dental specialists, only for […]
Cat Friendly Healthcare
At last count, the number of cats owned as pets outnumbers dogs by 8 million. Many people consider their cats as family members, yet cats receive less veterinary care than dogs. One study shows that dog owners took their pet to the vet twice as often as cat owners. Thirty-eight percent of surveyed cat owners […]
Pet First Aid
April is Pet First Aid Awareness month, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to go over some good, basic information and recommendations for pet owners. First of all, knowing your pet’s vital statistics is important. By this I mean, normal temperature, respiration, and pulse rate. Our pets’ normal body temperature is a little higher […]